Satanic Cult Awareness Part 2: The Church of Satan Beliefs and Ethics, Associated Groups, and Full Satanic Calendar
Satanic Cult Awareness: Gayland W. Hurst and Robert L. Marsh presented a guide.
In part one we looked at definitions, psychological manipulation, and types of torture. Find part 1 here:
The Church of Satan:
The Church of Satan worships Satan, most clearly symbolized in the Roman God Lucifer, the bearer of light, the spirit of the air, and the personification of enlightenment. Satan is not visualized as an anthropomorphic being, rather he represents the forces of nature. To the Satanist, the self is the highest embodiment of human life and is sacred. The Church of Satan is essentially a human potential movement, and members are encouraged to develop whatever capabilities they can by which they might excel. They are, however, cautioned to recognize their limitations - an important factor in this philosophy of rational self-interest. Satanists practice magick, the art of changing situations or events in accordance with one's will, which would, using normally accepted methods, be impossible.
The writings of Anton S. LaVey provide the direction for the Satanists - The Satanic Bible, The Complete Witch, and The Satanic Rituals (See,also "Ethical Practices). Members are encouraged to study pertinent writings that serve as satanic thought guidelines, such as the works of Mark Twain, Niccolo Machiavelli, G. S. Shaw, Ayn Rand, Friedrich Nietzche, etc.
The ethical stance of the Church of Satan is summarized in the Nine satanic statements:
(1) Satan represents indulgence, instead of abstinence;
(2) Satan represents vital existence, instead of spiritual pipe dreams;
(3) Satan represents undefiled wisdom, instead of hypocritical self-deceit;
(4) Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates;
(5) Satan represents vengeance, instead of turning the other cheek;
(6) Satan represents responsibility for the responsible, instead of concern for psychic vampires;
(7) Satan represents man as just another animal, sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours, who, because of his divine and intellectual development has become the most vicious animal of all;
(8) Satan represents all of the so-called sins, as they lead to physical, mental or emotional gratification;
(9) Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept it in business all these years.
Beyond the above principles, Satanists generally oppose the use of narcotics which dull the senses, and suicide, which cuts off life (the great indulgence), and stands firmly for law and order. The Church of Satan is not to be confused with “Satanist” groups which have been found to engage in illegal acts.
The church does not proselytize but welcomes inquiries from honest potential Satanists who hear about the Church from the various books about it, the mass media, or word-of-mouth. New members must go through a screening process before they are accepted.
The Church of Satan stands as a gathering point for all those who believe in what the Christian Church opposes and members are generally hostile to its teachings and resultant behavior patterns. To a lesser extent, the same position holds for Eastern religions.
IDENTITY GROUPS THAT SHARE SAME IDEAS(I haven’t looked into all of these):
Pagans, witches, and Satanists share eight common sabbats during the year. Each one holds special significance to them. In addition, Satanists hold member birth dates in reverence. On these dates, there should be a significant amount of activity amongst traditional worshippers.
In the Celtic (Druid) belief, night proceeds the day, therefore, festivals are held on the eve of the event.
The Celtic year began with winter and was broken down into halves. The winter half runs from November thru January and February thru April. The summer half runs from May thru July and August thru October. Both Equinoxes and Solstices are also celebrated.
Pagans hold fertility rites on Holy Days to promote fertility both in the home and agriculturally.
The Eight Sabbats are:
Masses are services held at different times during the week, month, or year. Rituals are conducted at most of these masses and are used as a tool to bring about a change in the state of consciousness among the participants. Orugs, colors, music, chants, words, and meditative practices are used to enhance or mesmerize the participants.
INITIATION: Where new members are accepted into the group. They will usually participate in the service acting as an acolyte. Once initiation is complete the neophyte is sworn to secrecy regarding all activities of the group.
GNOSTIC: A worship service is sometimes open to outsiders who show a desire to join the group. Evil spirits are called upon and a desire of the group is expressed in hopes of it becoming a realization.
MASS OF ANGELS: On the eve of the Mass a black cock is killed and the heart, eyes, and tongue are cut out. This mass is practiced to give the priest protection from demonic powers becoming too unruly.
MASS FOR DEAD: Used to call on God to free the celebrant from the fear of Hell and to make the demons obey. A lamb will be sacrificed, his throat cut and heart, eyes, and tongue removed and ground into powder and then buried with the lamb.
BLACK MASS: The most bizarre of all rituals done only for evil purposes. Magicians can use powers, forces, spirits, and demons. Evil medicine can be herbs or parts of animals or human beings. A mockery of the Catholic Mass is held. Blasphemy of the name of God and the trampling on or urination upon Christian artifacts is part of the service.
Because there is so much controversy surrounding the Black Mass, I will include extensive information on its history later in this presentation.
Part 3 coming soon…
Thank you for this vital information! We rebuke Satan, his demons and his followers in Jesus's Mighty Name, Amen!