Concrete Conspiracy: Just stumbled upon your column at Substack. Thank you for writing this, it couldn't have been easy. I read Brice's book many years ago, back in about 2011. I've known most of my life that the govt was corrupt but didn't about the pedo philia until I read Brice's book and also Trance Formation. Both are very upsetting books but I read them because I knew I needed to know about all this. It's horrifying and I have no idea how the kids that survived this are able to function. My heart goes out to them - we need to stop this nightmare and make sure it never happens again. Not EVER.

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Thanks for reading! I appreciate the support! It is definitely hard to research and talk about this stuff. Even about JFK because many would consider him a hero. I’m not trying to offend anyone, I’m just trying to bring to the light some things! Cathy O’Brian’s book is also an excellent read! I don’t know how I can exactly help these people besides writing and sharing information. Hopefully this will get to someone who has the power to stop this mess!!

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Concrete Conspiracy


Just Exposing This Like you are doing Is Something I haven't seen Before?.. You Continue to Expose Topics to a Depth I have Never Seen ( If it Wasn't for you I wouldn't have discovered PizzaGate...I Thank The LORD...For That!!!!.... I WAS Horrified!!! 😯)..... We Need To Raise Awareness.. Together With The power of Prayer and Obviously , Rescuing These Victims...Then Counseling and LOVE.....💖...I am a Survivor of SRA ( Humbly Not to This Extent!!!)... However, I Do Believe That ALL Abuse is Rooted in Satanism, Just as JESUS CHRIST Is The Only Answer Both To Us ALL For TRUE Forgiveness & Salvation ...But Especially For Any....Victims and Their Recover of Forgiveness & Healing... That includes Any Perpetrators that Repent...

HOWEVER, This IS A Diabolical Satanic EVIL That Is Foundational to the Luciferian Elite that Are Behind the Global Agenda...Just As the Bible predicts... Only GOD in His Sovereignty Will Have The Final Victory!!! 🙏💖🥰

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This is very much a war of evil vs. good in my book. We all need to spread the word about this horror that is done to innocent children, so sorry you had the SRA aspect to it as well - prayers for you, dear, and thank you for all you do for those who have suffered at the hands of these evil minions of satan. This is a war we WILL win!

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Nov 22, 2022·edited Nov 22, 2022

Thank you for your warm response. I, too, am hoping this info will come out. I was a therapist for many yrs and while I didn't come across any of this kind of thing, I did know another therapist who did. This was about 30 yrs ago and very scary. I've been researching this ever since and have read alot of personal accounts of things that have happened to some of these kids. It is nothing short of evil and needs to be stopped. I've been trying to get the work out, too, in hopes that someone who has the power can stop this. But it seems so many powerful ones aren't willing to. I do think there are some, however, who are working on this and hopefully more will join their ranks soon. We are not alone in this, there ARE people who are horrified and are in a position to help and are quietly doing so IMO - at least from what I've read and seen from survivors. I pray this evil nightmare ends very soon. Our country can't go on much longer with this kind of evil going on. Thank you for your efforts to stop this. Prayers for you and your efforts!

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Awww I just Noticed you were A Therapist?... Myself Also..🥰... I worked in Psychotherapy But did work with women survivors of All Sexual Abuse due to my Child Sex Abuse and Later Adult Abuse etc...

It Was Such a Blessing For Me to read you're first comment and Actually see someone exptess Empathy on here... Don't often see it from people 😪.... It's been my ' heart's ...issue for over 40 years and I still tear up....Love and Prayers xxx Sarah 🙏💖

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Blessings for you for helping those who have been so wronged. I did work with survivors, many of them actually, but what I meant is that I never worked with anyone who had been trafficked, or used in satanic rituals, etc. That's on a level that is just incomprehensible IMO. I worked with mostly women in recovery from drugs/alcohol for many yrs. I had my own abuse/neglect issues as a child and all my growing up but not on the level that some of these folks have faced involving the satanic aspect. Thank you for all you do for those with sexual abuse issues - it goes so very deep and never completely heals in my experience, but it can be overcome I believe. It takes alot of work to heal, though. Blessings for you!

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AMEN!! ☺️🙏💖

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Hard to believe someone who clearly was “instructed” to manipulate, lie and cheat a man in powerful position, and later be easily blackmailed. This woman was a prostitute hired to purposely involve herself in a scam to begin with. By her own words. Who is to say that she wasn’t also paid to say whatever she wants, even “wright a book”? According to her, she was told/ coached/ directed how to achieve her/ their devious plan. Even if JFK (after a while) got involved with “her” doesn’t make him a child abuser, paedophile, someone who was (willingly or not) involved in child tortures, sacrifices and blood drinking rituals. In today’s world of lies, deception, corruption, we must be extremely vigilant, careful what we say, write, do and share. Specially with people who have no idea, no time and make no effort to do their own homework. It is sad that those who do, would actually trust someone who has no proof other that her own word to back up a clam. There is a reason why JFK was murdered in plain day light, in front of the entire world. God help us🙏🏻🕊❤️

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I agree that we just can’t take her word for it but at the same time you can’t demonize her because she was a prostitute. In my newest article of Nixon we see that she was told to do these things or she would die. She couldn’t escape. She was trafficked into these programs and demanded to do things against her will. She was a minor during the JFK administration and supposedly was forced to do those acts. I don’t know exactly why JFK was assassinated. But I just can’t discredit a witness just because I don’t believe her.

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Thanks Again Beloved

Brother For Exposing This Darkness,...I Actually Didn't Know About this So Am Greatly Humbled 🙏😞😪🥰 xxx Sarah

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Jun 12, 2023·edited Jun 12, 2023

Dear Rosa,

With Respect, I would like to Humbly point out As A Former Survivor and Therapist....Her Testimony does Actually correspond with How this Abuse is carried out, This is Not just in the " Natural"... It is Also a " Spiritual" issue rooted in SRA, Therefore, the 'Evidence' you Maybee Assume would be Available is Not Actually Quite As simple as Being Just ' Black and White'.... You Do Actually have to Do you're own Research, .....Some Effort Is Required...Then When , the pieces of the jigsaw start to form a pattern... And it can No longer just be ' a coincidence or " A Conspiracy"...LOL .. Maybee... You Can Begin to Start to Believe the Victims Might Be Earning you there Really IS VERY REAL EVIL OUT THERE!!!.... Praise God For JESUS CHRIST ❤️🙏

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You are really asleep! Have you not been keeping up with all the news that has been shared on all social media platforms about SRA, elite pedophiles, presidents being chosen and not elected, the Trilateral Commission, Luciferian Satanists, and so much more! This woman was a child when she was programmed through MK ULTRA, a CIA based program, run by very rich and powerful men, and the did use children because children are easier to program because they dont have all the shit that adults carry in their heads, although we are also programmed to a degree. Anyway, have you heard of Cathy Obrien? You need to really start reading and looking into things instead of accepting everything at face value! I guess you dont believe all the famous people and some of your fave celebrities that went to Epstein's island? What do you think these people were doing there? They were participating in rituals with children! Epstein was a pedophile! Open up a book and do some research before you start calling people a liar!!

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I get you about pedos and realize that there are issues with R DeSantis and he hasn't picked a running mate as yet. Trump is great and has been bullied for too long while doing nothing much wrong and a lot right. I hate that RDS took money from Soros. I never heard of FreeSpoke.com but I will look at it.

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I'm glad it is, and I hope if Ron DeSantis becomes the Repub President elect that it won't happen to him with three little kids under five.

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Yeah if so hopefully not! But who knows, DeSantis may be comprised just because of his connections with Soros as of recent...

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Trump is the only President in my lifetime that tried to do something about human trafficking and brought out into the light. I do not trust Ron DeSantis who is turing Florida into a Smart (Surveillance and Data Collecting) State...If you don't believe me look into what transpired in Coral Gables commencing with the shutdown.

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Yeah I also feel like Trump has done something to stop this. Plus whistleblowers like Cathy O’Brien and Brice Taylor also praise Trump for going against the system. That’s personally why I think he’s not involved. Who knows?

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You can take it to the bank he's not involved. For one, he reported Jeff Epstein to the police and had him arrested back in 2008 - I remember reading about it when it happened. I've watched him for 45 yrs, the media has lied extensively and horrendously about him. He's trying to save America and has done ALOT behind the scenes to save the children.

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I applaud you for this series- I am shocked (and not shocked)...Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into your reporting. It is very, very interesting.

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Thank you for the support and yes it’s shocking for me too!

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There are way too many connections to the deep state re: DeSantis. If you use freespoke.com as a search engine (it doesn't censor) you can find out more info about him. He has Soros connections, he has taken $ from the Dem party and in his last campaign for gov, he was losing until Trump endorsed him. After that, DeSantis turned on Trump and dissed him, just for starters. Then he banned Trump supporters from a rally he held. He also has made some questionable decisions in his role as gov of Florida - and also he had Elon Musk at his announcement in running for president. Elon Musk has alot of deep ties to Chinese Communists - ALOT of ties. Steve Bannon has confirmed this. There's more, too, he was banned from Gitmo (military prison) because he witnessed torture when he as chief of JAG corp and did nothing about it, just allowed it. Military does not take this lightly and banned him from coming into the prison. Ron was in Navy as JAG corp officer. JAG corp lawyers are presiding over military tribunals.

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No, I just looked it up. What I don't understand is why when the President's often have beautiful wives and families that they go looking for sex outside of the family. That's like so many other people ruining families. Or is it a rule, although Trump is not on the list of pedophiles.

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It’s heartbreaking yes but it’s what usually happens in society. Also it may not even be that they like to do it but that they’re comprised so they’re forced to do it. That’s what happens with some of these politicians sometimes especially in Washington. As far as Trump is concerned, his case is different and a little more complicated.

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Trump is not a pedophile. Pedophilia is based on something very evil, they don't think like you or me.

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You are absolutely right! Especially those that are Luciferian Satanists. But even pedophiles that arent involved in this are evil. I think anyone who would purposely destroy a child is evil. Jesus said in the bible that we are to protect children, I am paraphrasing, and says do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to children. And anyone causing a child to sin it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Jesus does not play when it comes to taking care of the innocent.

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